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5 Great Ways to Save Time and Money on a Move/Relocation

Family moves into new home

According to research, few things in American life are more stressful than moving. In fact, in a recent survey of 1,000 Americans, respondents ranked moving right at the top of the stressor list — higher than other common stress inducers such as getting divorced, getting married, having children and even starting a first-ever job. 

Of course, while the reasons a move can be stressful are plentiful, the financial challenges involved are certainly a leading cause for anguish among many Americans. But by taking some strategic steps to cut the costs of your move, you can significantly reduce the stress levels involved. Consider these five ways to save on your next move — and make it much less financially taxing:

  • Lighten the load — Well before the packing begins, make efforts to purge as many unneeded items as possible — especially the bulky ones you’re willing to part ways with and would prefer not to move. In addition to negating the need to relocate these items, when you sell them at a garage sale, on eBay, on Facebook Marketplace or similar, you’ll be able to monetize your unwanted belongings — giving you more available funds for your move.
  • Trim down your moving freight with donations — There’s really not much to be gained by relocating items that you don’t expect you’ll ever use again. If you have unwanted belongings that you’re unable to sell, consider donating them to Goodwill, The Salvation Army or any other charitable organization that could help get them into the hands of someone who might need them — and get them off your moving list. In addition, making such a charitable donation could also serve as a write-off when tax time rolls around, so be sure to keep your donation receipt and provide it to your tax-preparation professional when you file your return.
  • Shoulder some of the load yourself — After streamlining your possessions, consider what you can move yourself by renting a moving truck, or even via multiple car trips if the distance between your current and future residence is short enough. While this tactic may not be practical in all cases, it can be a big money-saver when it is possible — especially considering that movers typically charge by the box or by the pound, making every item you can move on your own an opportunity to trim down your relocation costs.
  • Do your own packing — Sure, a moving company will pack all of your stuff up for you and sell you the packing materials needed to do it. But you can cut considerable costs by finding your own packing materials and doing all of the packing yourself. Rather than buying boxes, check around to see if any stores in your area may have boxes you can grab for free. And instead of buying bubble wrap and other expensive packing materials, utilize some of the household items you’re moving any way that can serve the same purpose. For example, socks can be used to wrap glassware for the move, and kitchen towels can serve to separate and pad the plates you’re packing.
  • Hit pause on new, non-vital purchases — It’s tempting to buy new furnishings, decorations, etc. when you move into a new residence, but unless this is your first time in your own place, you’ve likely already got everything you truly need to get by on hand. To limit more spending during a time when the expenses can already add up, try to hold off on buying unnecessary items for your new place until you’ve completed the move and gotten settled in a bit. That way, you can buy yourself a bit of time to let your finances recover before adding to the moving expenses.

Even with the best planning, moves can be expensive. But don’t let it lead to financial stress — when you need a short-term loan, we can help. 

 At Security Finance, we offer a range of fast (usually approved within a single day) and simple-to-secure loans with more flexible options than those typically found at a bank — all without the need for a bank account or a high credit score. Plus, our installment loans follow set terms and offer affordable monthly payment plans, with no balloon payments or prepayment penalties.Visit today to learn more about all of our loan options — and to find the one that’s right for you.