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DIY: File Taxes Online
More hands-on at tax time? A click and $25 gets you started filing your own taxes.

(1) The Refund Advance is an optional tax-refund related loan provided by Pathward®, N.A., Member FDIC (it is not the actual tax refund) at participating locations. Program availability and loan amounts may vary based on state and software provider. The amount of the loan and applicable interest will be deducted from tax refunds and reduce the amount that is paid directly to the taxpayer. Fees for other optional products or product features may apply. Tax returns may be filed electronically without applying for this loan. Loans offered in amounts of $250 (where available), $500, $1,000, 25%, 50%, or 75% of your expected tax refund up to $7,000; $7,000 is available only to well-qualified applicants that have a minimum expected tax refund of $9,569. Underwriting standards are subject to change. Most “interest based” applicants receive an average of $2,003.41. When calculating the amount of your loan, the amount of your “expected” tax refund may be affected by any refundable tax credits and fees. Loans in the amounts of $250, $500, and $1,000 have an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 0.00%. Loans in the amounts of 25%, 50% or 75% of your expected tax refund have an APR of 36.0% with a minimum loan of $1,250. For example, $2,500 loan representing 50% of expected refund borrowed over 31 day term, total amount payable in a single payment is $2,576.44 including interest. Availability is subject to satisfaction of identity verification, eligibility criteria, and underwriting standards.
The Refund Advance Loan product is not available in Wisconsin.
(2) File today and pay nothing out of pocket with a Refund Transfer Product: The Refund Transfer is an optional tax-refund related product offered by Pathward, N.A. The Refund Transfer is not a loan. E-filing of tax return is required to be eligible for the product. Subject to approval. Fees apply. See terms and conditions for details.
(3) 1040 Protect® Deluxe is an optional product. 1040 Protect® Deluxe, the $30 referral program, and the discount coupons are not Pathward, N.A. products or services nor does Pathward, N.A. endorse these offers.
Multiple referrals accepted. Referral fee valid only for first time customers. Referral fee may be taxable income to the recipient for the period during which the fee is issued. All federal, state, and local taxes are the responsibility of the person who is paid the referral fee.
TO QUALIFY: The individual to whom we pay the referral fee must have an accepted and paid tax return prepared by the branch or be an active loan customer of the branch, unless state law prohibits otherwise.
All preparers are trained through an IRS approved continuing education provider.
Not all branches provide tax services; call your local branch for more information.
Not all branches provide curbside tax service; call your local branch for more information.
NY State Returns Not Applicable